
1. General Provisions

1.1 This Agreement describes the terms and conditions under which the online service (hereinafter referred to as the Executor) provides services for the exchange of electronic funds.

1.2 The Executor is the owner of the software that provides currency exchange. The script is placed on the server on the Internet at the protected address .

1.3 Client — a natural person wishing to make and carry out the exchange of electronic currencies using the services of the Executor.

1.4 The Executor and the Client are hereinafter referred to as Parties in the text of the Agreement.

1.5 The Executor's services are provided on the terms of a public offer, which is formed when the Client submits an application for an exchange operation on the website The effect of the rules stipulated by this Agreement shall apply in the country in the territory of which the services are provided to the Client.

1.6 The Parties agree that the Agreement concluded in electronic format has the same legal force as a written agreement.

1.7 The Executor has the right to make changes in the rules of this Agreement, as well as in its annexes, and undertakes to publish such changes on the website.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1 The Client can use the service by complying with the regulations (Clause 5) subject to the mandatory conditions of exchange operations (Clause 7).

2.2 Exchange of electronic funds is performed and tariffed by the Executor on the terms and conditions stipulated by this Agreement.

3. Rights and obligations of the Parties

3.1 The Executor undertakes:

3.1.1 Conduct the exchange of electronic currencies Perfect Money, Volet USD, and other payment systems at the request of clients. The procedure for providing such services is regulated by the terms of this Agreement. The list of electronic currencies available for exchange can be reduced and supplemented at the initiative of the Executor.

3.1.2 Provide the Client with the consultations they need and contribute to solving technical problems to ensure proper provision and use of exchange services.

3.1.3 Keep the Client's personal data (contacts, information on amounts, time of transactions) received during the Client's registration or when making an application for exchange operations. Provide the above information at the first request of the Client to whom it relates. The exception is transactions made through the use of anonymous payment systems.

3.1.4 Keep secret and not disclose to third parties the Client's personal data, as well as information about exchange services used by the Client. The following situations are exceptions:

  • receipt of a lawful court decision at the location of the Executor;
  • receipt of a corresponding request from the administration of the payment system.

3.1.5 Keep accurate information about the exchange operations performed by the Client and provide discounts in cases stipulated by the relevant terms and conditions.

3.1.6 Process client appeals about non-receipt of funds after the exchange. In cases where the violation occurred due to the circumstances described in Clause 3.2.5, Clauses 5.4-5.6 of this Agreement, the transfer of funds belonging to the Client or a third party shall be made no later than 12 (twelve) hours from the receipt of the complaint to the specified details.

3.2 The Client undertakes:

3.2.1 Specify correct payment details when making a request for the exchange of electronic funds. In case of non-compliance with this condition, the Executor will not be responsible for non-receipt of funds to the Client's account after the exchange.

3.2.2 Provide an accurate and reliable email address. The Client must have access to the mailbox during the entire period of using the service.

3.2.3 Take care of computer performance, use up-to-date anti-virus software. Ensure that third parties do not have access to the email account so as not to disclose information received in communication with the Executor. The Client is responsible for the confidentiality of information about the use of services, received and stored in their email account.

3.2.4 Observe all the rules of this Agreement.

3.2.5 Notify the Executor about non-receipt of funds after the exchange to the account specified in the application but not later than 30 (thirty) days from the date of ordering the service. In case of no or untimely application, the money shall become the property of the Executor. The grounds for filing a complaint are specified in Clauses 5.4-5.6 of this Agreement.

3.2.6 When applying for an exchange operation, provide a correct and valid phone number. The Client's contacts can be used by service for registration, making incoming control calls, receiving passwords, sending SMS messages to inform, as well as for additional verification. The Client is responsible for the confidentiality of the information received from the Executor and stored on the mobile phone. The Client is obliged to ensure that third parties do not have access to their device.

3.2.7 Act in accordance with the legislation of the country of residence when ordering and using the services of the Executor.

3.3 The Administration has the right to:

3.3.1 Temporarily stop the operation of the service for software updates or fixing technical errors, informing the Client in advance of the time of such interruption.

3.3.2 Block the initiated exchange operation in case of receiving a signal of fraud. Such signals are received from representatives of law enforcement agencies, service users, and payment system administrations. The transaction is blocked in the course of checks.

3.3.3 Provide discounts to users of exchange services. Set and view the size of such discounts.

3.3.4 Set and review the rates of exchange services and the amounts of commission fees charged when using such services.

3.3.5 Refuse the Client to perform exchange operations without giving any reasons.

3.3.6 Require additional verification actions from the Client in case of disputable situations on the transaction or after receiving claims from third parties. Verification can be carried out in the following ways:

  • by sending a confirmation email to the address specified during registration;
  • by making a verification call to the phone number specified when applying for the exchange of electronic funds;
  • by sending a request to the Client to create a screenshot of the digital wallet and then send such an image to the Administration.

3.3.7 Terminate the dialog, which is conducted in the telephone mode or during correspondence, if the Client behaves rudely and offensively towards the support service, asks incorrect questions, and/or ignores the questions addressed to them.

3.3.8 Block the exchange in the situations described in Clause 5.4, Clause 5.5, and Clause 5.6 of this Agreement.

4. Execution of electronic funds exchange operations

4.1 The Executor performs operations on the exchange of electronic funds on the site, namely provides the exchange of Perfect Money, Volet USD with the possible involvement of financial institutions listed on the site.

4.2 The Executor does not conduct checks to determine the legality and legitimacy of the Client's ownership of the funds to be exchanged.

5. Regulations on the provision of electronic money exchange services

5.1 The exchange operation is considered launched after the Executor receives from the Client the full amount intended for exchange. In case of receipt of a part of the amount specified in the application, the exchange is performed for the amount actually received from the Client. The amount of commission in such a case can be changed unilaterally by the Executor.

5.2 The initiated operation on the exchange of electronic funds cannot be canceled. Funds transferred for exchange cannot be returned to the Client.

5.3 The application for exchange operation can be canceled in case the Executor does not receive exchange funds from the Client within 20 (twenty) minutes after sending the Application or after transferring money without an application. Funds received later than the above-mentioned period shall be returned to the payer's account. All commissions for the reverse transfer shall be paid by the Client.

5.4 Fluctuations of the exchange rate by 0.5% or more in comparison with the quotes fixed in the Application shall be considered as the basis for making an exchange operation at the rate actual at the moment of receiving funds by the Executor.

5.5 If the Client recalculates an amount different from the sum specified in the application for exchange, it shall be considered as the basis for recalculation by the Executor in accordance with the actually received sum. If such amount differs from the stated amount by more than 10%, the Executor has the right to unilaterally cancel the application. In this situation, the funds received on the Executor's account are returned to the Client. In the case of reverse transfer, all commissions are paid by the Client.

5.6 Invalid, erroneous, or non-existent details specified by the Client for the transfer of exchange funds are considered grounds for suspension of the transaction. After receipt of a request from the Client in accordance with Clause 3.2.5, the Executor may perform a reverse transfer. In this case, the Client shall pay the commission of the payment system, as well as a penalty — 2% of the amount of the reverse transfer.

5.7 The exchange rate is fixed by the service for a period of up to 20 (twenty) minutes from the moment of receipt of the request from the Client. If the transfer of money for payment is received later than the above-mentioned period, the exchange is made at the exchange rate relevant at the time of receipt of funds by the Executor.

6. Responsibility of the Parties

6.1 The Executor has the right to refuse responsibility for the damage caused to the Client in the following cases:

  • if the Client uses the service unauthorizedly, violating the rules of this Agreement;
  • if the Client made mistakes when filling in the exchange application, which resulted in a money transfer to someone else's account.

In the above cases, it is not allowed to cancel transactions and return funds to the Client's account.

6.2 The Client is solely responsible for the inability to operate their own equipment or its components, as well as for the operability and functionality of their own equipment or its components. Losses and damages resulting from the above circumstances will not be reimbursed by the Executor.

6.3 Online service is not responsible for delays in money transfers, as well as errors in payment systems and banks.

7. Mandatory rules for the exchange of electronic funds

7.1 It is forbidden to use service for illegal transfers. Any transaction with signs of fraud may be suspended for verification and may become a reason for legal prosecution, which will be carried out in accordance with the applicable laws of the country where the Client is located.

7.2 Information about illegal payments can be transferred by the Executor to law enforcement authorities, administrations of payment services, as well as users who suffered as a result of illegal actions (at their request and after proving the fact of violations, fraud).

7.3 Exchange services can be provided to the Client only if they withdraw electronic funds from their own electronic wallet. Responsibility for the origin of the funds offered for exchange is not entirely on the Client. service does not check and does not establish the ways and sources of receipt of such funds by the Client.

7.4 The Executor declines responsibility for providing exchange services to third parties on behalf of the Client.

7.5 By clicking the "I agree" button, the Client confirms their consent to all the rules of this Agreement.

8. AML policy

Our resource uses security protocols that block companies and accounts subject to EU and United States sanctions.

By this agreement, you confirm the processing of transactions and all payments within the provisions of the AML (Anti-Money Laundering) policy. In turn, we take measures to secure transactions and protect the services to provide transaction security.

If our financial monitoring or AML department detects any cases of deposits (or attempted withdrawals) from the sanctioned platforms, the funds will be blocked.

The list of the most popular ones is given below:

  • Commex;
  • Garantex;
  • Tornado Cash;
  • Hydra;
  • Lazarus Group;
  • Genesis Market;
  • ChipMixer;

Any Iranian platforms and other platforms of prohibited/sanctioned countries.

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